The true beginning of Christmas – hearing the angelic sound of the children of Haddo Voices Ensemble. Not to be missed – concerts today at 5pm and 7pm in Haddo Chapel. Tickets available on the door. Enter through the main door of the house.

CarolConcertHHCOS Carol Concerts

Saturday 7th December 2013 17:00 – Sunday 15th December 2013 18:00, Haddo House Chapel

Four amazing concerts of beautiful and uplifting festive music in the atmospheric surroundings of the Chapel at Haddo

Saturday 7th December, 5.00pm and 7.00pm
Sunday 15th December, 2.00pm and 4.00pm

Haddo House Choral & Operatic Society & the Haddo Voices Ensemble

Directed by Alice Dennis.
Dr Roger Williams, MBE – Organ.

Tickets £15, include tea or sherry and shortbread/mince pies in the library.