Oldmeldrum Town Hall and Square Christmas Celebrations 2013
From the Elklon Times / http://www.ellontimes.co.uk/news/community-news/
Oldmeldrum Town Hall and Square kicked off its Christmas Celebrations.
Visitors could take a stroll around the hall and browse the stalls for anything from jewellery, art, textiles, to wood crafts, soaps and crafts.
The Christmas lights were switched on by retired businessman 89-year-old, Jim Davidson, founder owner of Meldrum Motors, before Santa, elves and his sleigh appeared to greet the crowds.
Meldrum Amenities Improvement Group hosted the event on Sunday afternoon and chairman Andrew McCartney said that the street party in Market Square attracted “large numbers of the public and many of the senior citizens turned out” for the occasion.
Compere for the afternoon, Norman English, kept the crowd entertained with his usual style of introductions, Kintore Pipe Band under the direction of Pipe Major Bruce Logan started the afternoon’s programme followed by the Meldrum Academy young musicians under the direction of Sheila Robertson.
Mr McCartney added: “Community Carol singing was led by the Meldrum Musical Society accompanied by the Wednesday Wailers brought about a real community Christmas spirit which was enhanced with hot mulled wine, mince pies and hot roasted chestnuts dispensed from Mossie’s (National Pig Farmer of the Year) Davidson’s huge Barbecue.”
The group are currently launching their 250 member club in support of all the activities they conduct throughout the year.
For £1/week members have the chance to win valuable cash back prizes at each of the monthly draws commencing on January 28.
For more details contact Bill on 01651 872722 or billduncan1@btinternet.com.