HHCOS s in Haddo Chapel

Sunday 10th December and Saturday 16th December at 2pm and 4pm

Four concerts of beautiful and uplifting festive music in a wonderfully atmospheric setting.

Tickets on sale on Monday 6th November (Monday 30th October to Friends of HHCOS).

£16 including refreshments in the library afterwards. http://hhcos.org.uk/hhcos/whats-on/buy-tickets/

To become a FRIEND of HHCOS contact friends

Don’t forget; if you are a ‘Friend of HHCOS’ you can purchase your tickets for the famous Carol Concerts, AND reserve a front seat in the Chapel, from tomorrow (Monday 30/10/17).
Tickets available at
To become a friend of HHCOS download an application form from hhcos.org.uk
For more information contact hhcosenquiries