Meldrum Amenities Improvement Group (MAIG)
Yesterday morning, as part of our entry into The Formartine in Bloom Competition, we set up our annual dummies display. This year the theme is “Volunteers” – aimed at recruiting more people to come along and help with the many projects MAIG undertakes.
The dummies, whilst being fun to construct, are made from recycled materials and take many volunteer hours to make.
So it was with huge disappointment (and some irony given the theme) that this morning after less than 24 hours on display we find that one of the dummy’s has been stolen and the stand that supported has been smashed.
The dummy is wearing a MAIG hi viz vest (which we have to buy) so really is of no use to anyone else. Why?
We are checking the cctv to see if the culprits can be identified but have decided to report this incident to the police. Although it is a small incident to some – it is still an act of theft and vandalism and certainly not the kind of behaviour we can ignore.
If you have any information regarding the identity of these silly, thoughtless, ignorant people, please let us or the local police know who they are.