Draft Minutes of Meldrum Bourtie & Daviot Community Council

Council Meeting

Tuesday 24th June, 2014

7.30 pm

Meldrum Town Hall Lower Room

These minutes are only draft.  They may be altered for approval at the next meeting.  Please read them in conjunction with the minute for the next meeting when available.

Present: K Cowie, I Dunbar, D Forsyth, A McCartney, J Milton, J Pirie, W Sinclair.

Councillors – A Hendry, P Johnston, C Shand

Apologies: K Gordon, A Presly, P Sleigh, A Simmers & Councillor J Gifford

In attendance: Mrs I Page, Mrs T Petrie, G Oliver & I Milton

Minutes of May Meeting Proposed W Sinclair Seconded J Milton

Matters Arising

Planning report no more than 50 houses could be occupied as this is the designation at the moment.

Mrs Page reported that she has read the Issues and Recommendations report and reads that Aberdeenshire Council do not envisage a need for any more houses.

A McCartney to write a letter on all outstanding issues, namely signage on road at front of Berry’s stating no left turn. The flashing sign on the A947 entrance to Oldmeldrum from the east is not working properly. The chevrons we were promised on the A947, at the same area, when are they being put on. The anti-skid surfaces on the A947 Mosshead to Meldrum House first entrance and the area on the A947 before the A920 junction is very dangerous and motorcyclists say that they experience vibrations on their machine when they go over them what is going to be done and when? JG letter to Martin Hall not Knight Frank as Martin Hall issued the letter to the Community Council re the hub.

Police Matters

No Police representation.

Members of the community council brought forward the problems in the square again when large vehicles continue to navigate through the town centre this is further exasperated when buses arrive from North & South at the same time at the Town centre bus stops, this adds to the Market Square gridlocked. The A920 is still signposted down South Road off the A947. Various pictures have been sent and telephone calls made so the police are being informed.

Flower tubs were upturned in the Square and have been reported by A McCartney, he is to email the

reference number to Cllr Hendry who is to take the matter up with the police.

Treasurers update

The current balance is £6089.48 Allocation of the funds = Oldmeldrum £3,160.02 and Daviot £2,929.46.

Meldrum Town Centre projects update

Public Notice Board is up and is being used regularly.

Consultation on the Community Empowerment Bill

Sub-committee to be formed to look at how Community Council can best implement those parts of the Bill which would devolve more empowerment to the Community Council.

Long term outlook

In preparation to conduct a public fact finding survey exercise, members are asked to give consideration to headings such as traffic management, housing, schools – future capacity, public transport, waste water treatment plant and employment locally.

Following the Infrastructure Committee’s meeting on the 1st July, 2014, a review across Aberdeenshire has been carried out and a report will follow from that meeting.

Planning policy team is in control of the 7 year Land Supply which can be viewed on the website.

We are trying to Draft a consultation paper to have it in the August/September issue of Meldrum Matters. A public meeting would have to be arranged after the initial release.

Reports from Standing committees & community organisations

Area Committee – Final Report of the Local Development Plan is due out in October, 2014.

Area Bus Forum – No report

Formartine Community Council Forum No report

Formartine Partnership – no need to attend this as this is members only meeting.

Community Development groupLengthy meeting awaiting minutes from K Cowie/N Ironside

Safety GroupK Cowie attended meeting, AGM, 25th May 2014 which was poorly attended by all Community Councils

Business Group – Changes to Off-Street Parking Statutory Consultation – it is proposed to introduce a new waiting restriction of 2 hours instead of the originally 1 hour in Market Square & the small Market Square council members voted 5 for the proposed change with 2 members voting against any change.

J Goodhall has asked for prices for Granite Plinths at the entrances to Oldmeldrum the cost for this was to be £1500.00 each plus the cost for any lettering such as Welcome to Oldmeldrum..

The group are also convening a meeting in preparation for the forthcoming referendum to debate the in or out question, he will put up posters once the principal speakers have been identified.

Heritage Society – Bygone Meldrum will run again in September, 2014 and plans for the Parcock Tree Area walk still being looked at, The Meldrum Paths group representatives said they would help if they could.

MAIG – The Flower tubs and baskets have all been put out and up and pleased to report no vandalism to the flowers. MAIG had a stand at Meldrum Sports and this proved very successful.

Access Group – No report

Daviot Community Trust – W Sinclair reported there is to be a meeting on 26th May, 2014.

Meldrum Park Upgrade – No Report.

Community Empowerment. See above re sub- committee.

Broadband We are waiting to hear when Oldmeldrum area is to be rolled out still no word.

Community Wind Turbine. No report

Meldrum Paths Group Letter attached


Roadside verge cutting, Cllr Johnston pointed out owing to budget constraints it was not possible to carry out full roadside cutting, policy is that 1 metre of the road verge should be cut, this does not allow for additional cutting at road ends or corners where more clearance is required. Members elected that it was more important from a safety aspect to have visual clearance at junctions and corners at the expense of leaving long straight areas.

Village orderly, following discussions with the Machinery ring it was considered that the rates were prohibitive. Contact has been made with Meldrum Academy to see if anyone involved in the Duke of Edinburgh Awards might consider carrying out village orderly duties during the summer months. A poster is to be put up in the Notice Board advertising the Town Orderly position. An honorarium of £1,000 for Oldmeldrum & 3500 for Daviot has been allocated to the Council to cover a Town Orderly.

Investigate who is responsible for the hedges which are overhanging Mill Road, if necessary contact Aberdeenshire Council to have a look and advise what steps can be taken. Similarly Station Lane is overgrown and ownership responsibility to be identified.

The town requires signage to direct visitors to the Public Toilets, apparently shopkeepers are frequently asked where public toilets are located in the town.

What steps are planned to repair the vandalised Cycle Racks are they going to be repaired replaced or removed?

Signage which should have been installed with the new traffic management in the town centre have not been implemented, awaiting response from roads department.

Loose slabs in front of Greengates, are to be re-fitted when is this being done? K Cowie letter

Minutes are to be put on the web Cllr P Johnston agreed to do this.


W Sinclair has volunteered as a marshal when the baton goes through Oldmeldrum on the 29th June 2014.

Date of next meeting 26th August, 2014. 7.30 In the Lower Hall, Oldmeldrum Town Hall.

Other documents referred to:



Draft Minutes of Meldrum Bourtie & daviot CC June 2014-2