Parients who live in the OIldmedlrum area who use the Haddo medical Group as their local GPs have a major review.


The review of continued dispensing from the Haddo Medical Group finishes today. It follows a legal judgment from Lord Doherty who said that NHS Grampian made an error in not hearing representations from an interested pharmacist when it came to decide that dispensing of essential medicines could continue at Pitmedden and Methlick.

NHS Grampian must now reconsider their decision.

Locally, the decision could remove dispensing from Pitmedden and Methlick surgeries, forcing patients to make arrangements to travel to neighbouring towns or villages, unnecessarily, to obtain their prescriptions. Patients have always have had the choice to travel, but many would be in serious difficulties if the Surgery did not dispense due to their distance or travel problems.

Communities already know that Haddo Medical Group would cease to use the Tarves surgery as it would need to rationalise its space if it no longer dispensed medicines from Pitmedden and Methlick. Not least it would need to cut down on staff.

There would remain doubts about the viability of Methlick in its current form.

You can find out more about what local Community Councils, MPs. and MSPs have said on your behalf.

This web site gives details;

Follow the links to the NHS Grampian site for details of representations.