If you use alternative fuels for heating

You may be eligible for a £200 Alternative Fuels Payment (AFP) if both the following are true:

  • your household is not connected to the mains gas grid
  • you use alternative fuels as your main form of heating

This is on top of the £400 from your electricity supplier.

This support payment should be rolling out from this week. It will appear as a credit on your electricity bill from your electricity supplier.

You’re eligible for this payment if the main way you heat your home uses:

  • tank or bottled gas
  • liquid petroleum gas (LPG)
  • oil
  • wood
  • solid fuel

Most homes that are eligible for this payment will get it automatically as a credit on their electricity bills from February 2023.

You may not get the payment automatically if your home is either:

  • in an area which is mainly connected to the gas grid
  • not connected to either the gas or the electricity grid

If you do not get this payment automatically

You may have to apply for this payment through the AFP Alternative Fund if you do not get it automatically – for example, because you do not have a contract with an electricity supplier.

This will be available from February 2023.
